Strengthening the future of the Welsh language

The Welsh National Language Technologies Portal is provided by the Language Technologies Unit, Bangor University.
The Portal aims to be a one-stop shop to provide information of relevant resources and events, funded mainly by the Welsh Government.

Resources for everyone
Ready-made products aimed at anyone who wishes to use Welsh Language Technologies, including Macsen, Y Trawsgrifiwr and App Dictionaries.
Resources to facilitate and promote accessibility including a screen reading program (NVDA), and bilingual synthetic voices.
Resources for developers
Resources aimed at software companies, researchers, hackers, enthusiastic volunteers as well as Welsh coding clubs.
Academic publications
Research into all aspects of Language Technologies, such as speech recognition, text-to-speech, artificial intelligence and much more.
Language technologies for all

Language Technologies include all activities where computers and electronic devices engage with human languages.
This can include speech recognition technology, text-to-speech, machine translation, natural language processing (NLP) and artificial intelligence (AI).
One resource that covers all these elements is the Welsh digital personal assistant, Macsen. It’s similar to Alexa or Google Assistant but works as an app… and it’s in Welsh!

Resources for developers

The Welsh National Language Technologies Portal contains a host of resources aimed at software companies, researchers, hackers, enthusiastic volunteers as well as Welsh coding clubs.
All the documentation resources, examples and tutorials explaining the use of our product are located on GitHub.
The intention is to provide the resources as ‘building blocks’, open and free, in order to enable advanced and full Welsh language support within any finished digital product.
Academic publications
Research-led development of Language Technology resources is essential in order to promote the Welsh language as a living, modern language that looks towards the future.
The impact has extended beyond Wales, influencing the digital language equality road map internationally and influencing practice globally.
A taste of the resources
The WelshNational Language Technologies Portal is an extensive collection of Welsh technological resources.
These resources are aimed at software companies, researchers, hackers, enthusiastic volunteers as well as Welsh coding clubs.
A Welsh personal digital assistant similar to Alexa. Available online and as an app on iOS and Android devices.
Synthetic voices
A collection of bilingual synthetic voices, Welsh and English.
Localization resources
Resources for translating software interface texts, converting units of time, money etc.
API services
An API services center that provides a range of online language technology services.

A software program that transcribes Welsh speech into text, availale online and useful for creating video subtitles.
A program that allows alignment between Welsh and English texts.
Machine translation
English > Welsh machine translation tools that use modern neural technology to translate texts.
Plugins available for installation on your website to support the use of the Welsh language.
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Let the technology speak for itself...
Stronger together

Ensuring a close connection with the world of business, industry and public services is crucial to our vision.
Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTP) are one way of facilitating the transfer of academic knowledge and expertise to ‘real’ world projects.
We have held many such partnerships in the past, with small and large companies, from Wales and beyond and are keen to continue bridging the gap between academia and industry.
Ready to contribute?