Welshify Widget
This is a plugin that draws the attention of website visitors to the fact that English (USA) is the default content language of their browsers. The plugin also helps them change it to Welsh. The plug-in can be easily installed on any website in order to inform and assist as many users as possible.
Leaving the browser content language selection on English (USA) invariably lands on the English pages of bilingual and multilingual websites.
The plugin contains clear and simple information on exactly how Welsh can be set as the default content language in different browsers, thereby ensuring that they land on Welsh language pages if they are available.
Usage statistics from websites hosted by the Language Technologies Unit such as the Welsh language national terminology portal and Cysill Ar-lein (an online Welsh language spelling and grammar checker) show that English (US) is the preferred content language configured in the vast majority of users’ browsers. The evidence also shows that the majority of users remain in the English pages and do not click through to Welsh language versions. In fact, more than 90% of users of the Cysill Ar-lein facility within Canolfan Bedwyr’s Cymorth Cymraeg web will remain on the English language pages and will use the tool in English.
n this respect, and of significance for Welsh language speech recognition, the plugin uses technology to guide and encourage web users towards a smaller language instead of allowing technology to reinforce the dominance and status of a larger language.
The plugin can be included within your website by adding the following line within your website’s HTML:
<!-- Ategyn Cymreigio Porwyr --> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="http://techiaith.bangor.ac.uk/cymreigio-client/cymreigioporwyr/cymreigioporwyr.nocache.js"> </script> <!----------------------------->
Here is the simple source code for providing it as a WordPress plugin. Please note, the plugin is not included within English pages.
<!--?php > /* Plugin Name: Cymreigio Porwyr Description: Ategyn syml sy'n synhwyro ffurfwedd ieithyddol porwyr Version: 1.0 Author: Uned Technolegau Iaith, Canolfan Bedwyr, Prifysgol Bangor Author URI: http://techiaith.bangor.ac.uk License: BSD */ function insert_cymreigio_gwtjs(){ $qryStr = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; parse_str($qryStr, $qryStrArray); if ($qryStrArray['lang'] == null) { echo " <!-- Ategyn Cymreigio Porwyr --> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="http://techiaith.bangor.ac.uk/cymreigio-client/cymreigioporwyr/cymreigioporwyr.nocache.js"></script> </p> <p><!-- -------------- --><br />";<br />}<br />}</p> <p>add_action('wp_head','insert_cymreigio_gwtjs');</p>
Some websites are available bilingually or multilingually which means that a web address can e.g. http://www.bangor.ac.uk, refer to home page which is in Welsh or English. In order to facilitate deciding in which language the content should be provided, browsers allow you to specify which languages you use to read on the web and to list them in the order of your choice. Browsers then convey the language choice within each request for the content of each web address.
See https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc9110.html#name-accept-language for further technical information.