Terminology Dictionary Plug-in

This plug-in allows you to insert any combination of eiriaduron termau’r Porth Termau in your own website by adding the following line of code to its HTML pages:

<script type='text/javascript'>

   //   add the API key you received from Bangor Language Technologies Unit.
   var jTermau_API_Key = <EICH ALLWEDD API / YOUR API KEY>

<script type='text/javascript'> src='http://api.termau.org/ui/porthtermau/porthtermau.nocache.js'></script>

N.B. you must insert the API key for your own website instead of <ALLWEDD API / YOUR API KEY>>. Contact us for more details and to receive an API key. The API key is intended to connect your choice of dictionaries to your website’s URL.

The plug-in allows some flexibility in where you want to place the interface elements for your terminology dictionary by using specific tags <div>.

Add <div> in the body of the HTML in order to add the search button and box:

<div id="jTermau_searchform"></div>

Add the following <div> in the body of the HTML to specify the location of the search results:

<div id="jTermau_results"></div>

Add the following <div> in the body of the HTML to specify the location of the headword list:

<div id="jTermau_headwords"></div>

Add the following <div>to the body of the HTML to specify the location of the alphabet in order to select headwords’ first letter:

<div id="jTermau_alphabet"></div>

Add the following <div> in the body of the HTML to specify the location of the language choice option and the alphabet to be used within <div id="jTermau_alphabet"></div>

<div id="jTermau_languageselection"></div>

Contact us for more details: techiaith@bangor.ac.uk

This site is registered on wpml.org as a development site. Switch to a production site key to remove this banner.