Category Archives: Speech

More Welsh text-to-speech resources on GitHub

Since its launch in March, a few coders and companies have been using the cloud based Welsh language text-to-speech API service.

Very often however, developers from companies in particular wish to utilise Welsh language text-to-speech available offline and in Microsoft Windows based environments. We also get from time to time e-mails from text-to-speech developers of other lesser resourced languages asking for help on using their own voices in Microsoft Windows.

Our Welsh language text-to-speech voice is possible thanks to the superb Festival Speech Synthesis System. However, Festival, as its developers openly admit, does not support Microsoft Windows very well at all.

We think that Festival and its Welsh voice should be possible in Microsoft Windows. Therefore, we’ve published the speech data that makes Festival talk Welsh on GitHub as well as hack on the side to create a Visual Studio Solution project that makes Festival run natively on Windows with a very basic COM and .NET interface.

The voice data can be found here:

While our attempt to get get our Welsh text-to-speech voice running on Windows and our contribution to improving Festival on Microsoft Windows can be found here:

Without these resources there are very few, if any, options for Welsh or any Festival voice to be usable on Windows. We hope that these contributions are of great help and can be improved upon with the aid of Welsh language and international open source communities.

Welsh language synthetic voice API

Text to speech technologies are now commonly used in mobile apps, websites and desktop applications to improve user experience and understanding. Today we are pleased to launch an API service that will make it possible for anybody to insert Welsh text to speech technologies into their websites and software.

Using the open source Festival Speech Synthesis System, and a Welsh language speech model we previously created our new web API makes it easy to automatically convert any Welsh text into audio in realtime. This cloud service needs no setup on the user’s side making it instantly widely accessible and available to all.

Below, you can find an example of how this voice could be inserted into this page, with only one line of code!

You can get started with the API today by signing up to our API Centre and creating your API key.
To learn more see our Speech Technologies pages.